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The TechEthos approach to horizon scanning

Publication | 30 July 2022

In short

This report provides a critical review of horizon scan studies on future technological developments performed by research institutions, businesses, and policy organisations at transnational (EU) and international levels. This allowed TechEthos to identify common practices in horizon scanning and their advantages and disadvantages.

The project used this as its starting point to develop a TechEthos-specific ethically- and socially-driven horizon scan approach. It combines horizon scanning with insights from impact analysis, for a truly multi-dimensional approach. Applying this method allowed TechEthos to identify 35 technology families with significant socio-economic impact and further narrow these to 16 families with high socio-economic impact and ethical relevance. A set of three – Climate Engineering, Extended Digital Reality, and Neurotechnologies – will be the focus of the remainder of the project.


Andrea Porcari, Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Industriale (Airi), Giuliano Buceti, Airi, Daniela Pimponi, Airi, Gustavo Gonzalez, Airi, Eva Buchinger, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Manuela Kienegger, AIT, Georg Zahradnik, AIT, Michael Bernstein, AIT.

Date of publication

28 February 2022


Deliverable accepted by the European Commission

Cite this resource

Porcari A., Buceti G., Pimponi D., Gonzalez G., Buchinger E., Kienegger M., Zahradnik G., Bernstein MJ, (2022), Ethical and social impacts-driven horizon scanning of new and emerging technologies. Deliverable 1.3 to the European Commission. TechEthos Project Deliverable. Available at:


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